

Talks held every second Friday


Friday 14th February: Beloved Sourbe by Vivienne Crighton

Friday 28th February: Principles of the Wisdom Teachings by Gary Kidgell

Friday 14th March: The Tarot: An Illustrated Talk by Alistair Macqueen

Friday 28th March: Working with the Unseen and the Mysterious Medicine Men of Amrun by Andrew Steed

Friday 11th April: The Devas of Landscape by Laura Newbury

Friday 25th April: An Introduction to Hindu Astrology by Euan Macpherson 


We meet in the Heartfulness Centre, 51 Cowgate, Dundee. DD1 2JF.

Just up from the Seagate bus station and with street parking outside.

Queen Street and East Port car parks are nearby.

Talks start at 7.15pm and finish around 9pm

Members £3, concession £4, non members £5.

All welcome






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