

Talks held every second Friday


6th September: Fotoula Adrimi - An Evening of Shamanism

20th September: Ewan Macpherson - Who was the real King Arthur?

4th October: Joe MacIntyre - Scottish Painters with Joe MacIntyre

18th October: Natasha Mott - The Akashic Records

1st November: Ian Robertson - Martinism - Balancing the Heart with Philosophical Enquiry 

15th November: Gary Kidgell - Esoteric Psychology - The Seven Rays

 29th November: Owen Pilgrim - Masculine Identity in Psychology, The Fisher King


We meet in the Heartfulness Centre, 51 Cowgate, Dundee. DD1 2JF.

Just up from the Seagate bus station and with street parking outside.

Queen Street and East Port car parks are nearby.

Talks start at 7.15pm and finish around 9pm

Members £3, concession £4, non members £5.

All welcome






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