
Welcome to the Theosophical Society-Glasgow


- Shamanism: The Way of the Drum shamanic circle returns back in person and online with shamanic teacher, Fotoula Adrimi. 

18 Nov: In Person – Teachings on Death & Ceremonial Release
25 Nov: In Person – Working Shamanically with Crystals
9 Dec: In Person – Journey to the Upper World
16 Dec: Online – Ceremony for the New Earth & Earth Retrieval
13 Jan: Online – New Beginnings
No previous experience of journeying is required. If you have a drum or rattle, please bring it along (optional).Fee £18/£15 concession. 
For more information about the circle: email: info@isis-school.com or https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/shamanic-circle-the-way-of-the-drum

23 Dec: In Person –  Special Event – Shamanic Dance of the Sacred Spirits: 6pm-9pm £33.

- Tai Chi: Monday Class in the Lecture Room. 7.30pm-9pm Fee: £40 for the first 6 weeks. Please contact Damien Flynn: damien@lishi.org for more information and to book. 

- Psychic Awareness Circle  Ian Shanes is facilitating the spiritualist and psychic development circle twice a month on a Tuesday, the second and third Tuesday of the month He still has places for people wishing to study the psychic arts. Fee: £5 to cover costs.
He can be contacted on ian.shanes57@gmail.com 

-Meditation & Conscious Living Class, every Tuesday, 7pm - 8.15pm, Lecture Room. Exchange £8, 07940390339/gordon@gordonrainey.com
A peaceful and loving space is provided, along with guidance and support, for you to relax and connect with your true-nature within! Through mindful breathing experience, spontaneous, inspired, conscious discussion, and a main meditation, you will be inspired to a deep sense of peace, relaxation, and to connecting with that more expanded part of you from which you feel wholeness, completeness, and from where you access your highest guidance, for your life, and on your conscious path

- The Great Big Trust Tuesday group 
Trust Your Breath: Second Tuesday of the month. Group breathe session. 1 - 2 pm. All welcome. Donations welcome.  Call 07484822323 for more details. 

- The Course on Miracles meetings take place in the Library each WEDNESDAY, organised by our member Libby McArthur. Entry by donation. Libby McArthur libbymcarthur46@gmail.com

- The Glasgow Theosophical Society Study Group,  facilitated by Avi Lago, TS Librarian. For more information: avilagoo@gmail.com

- 20 November  7pm West of Scotland Dowsers
Damien Flynn – Taoist Temples talk
Damien spent three weeks visiting Taoist Temples in China.
Hopefully we can recreate some the feelings of being there. 
contact  Pat Toms pat@toms.org or 0141 945 5401.

YOGA: New classes with Apoorva on weight loss, menopause,  pregnancy yoga, kids yoga, Wednesday morning 10:00-11:00. Contact Apurva:  Apoorvaramesh24@gmail.com 

Malcolm MacQueen: Hellenistic Astrology 7pm
Thursday evenings at the TS are being used to discuss & illustrate astrology & often philosophy in action. It is an informal 'organic' meet up session we can all learn from. All welcome. Each time we hope to look briefly at current worldly narrative and how our birth charts fit the bigger picture. 
We can also construct and unravel individual charts where requested.
Contact Malcolm: malcolm.macqueen@gmail.com 

Gurdjieff Group Meeting. 7:30pm. Contact enquiry@gurdjieffscotland.org for more details, or telephone/txt David on 07447 936984 Please contact organiser if you wish to attend. 


Psychic Awareness/Mediumship every second Friday 7pm-9pm. Please phone Ann for more details: 07478932601.  

-Last Saturday of the month 11:00-13.00 White Lodge basement
SPI Scotland (Strange Phenomena Investigations) Coffee Morning £5 includes tea, coffee, and biscuits We're a friendly group of like-minded people with an interest in the supernatural, mysteries,  anomalies, UFO's, ghosts, cryptozoology, poltergeists, and all other strange phenomena. 
Contact Alyson Dunlop Shanes: spiscotland@gmail.com 
SPI Scotland Facebook group: 

West of Scotland Dowsers Field Trips:

Sunday 17 November Day workshop – A Sense of Place and Form With simple
considerations, contrast the way things are described and specified for unsustainable
industrial production and consumption, and the way forms of living things and ancient built
forms appear to be determined intuitively and projectively. No previous experience required.

Sunday 15 December Day workshop – Living intuitive manifestation of form – what is
projective association? Using our sense of place and form – akin to dowsing - and very simple
geometrical drawings consider experience of subtle influences in fields of form, how they
appear to determine harmonious layouts of ancient and traditional built forms. Consider
special places in nature and those created by humans. 

contact  Pat Toms pat@toms.org or 0141 945 5401.

- Reiki and Munay Ki classes with Lorna McLean in the ground floor, please check her website: https://www.lornamclean.co.uk/

Ayuverda: Avi Lago talks and consultations, based on authentic Indian sacred tradition of Ayuverda, including Indian astrology. Avi is also available for 1-1 sessions. 

Please contact Avi: avilagoo@gmail.com Website: www.Avilago.co.uk





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