

Edinburgh Branch of the Theosophical Society in Scotland

at the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre 

 WINTER / SPRING PROGRAMME January - April 2025

VENUE: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 25 Palmerston Place EH12. 

Talk: 7.30 - 8.50pm in the Sanctuary Room  (Tea/coffee in Cafe from 7.00pm)

Admission:  £5 Members / £7 Non-members.   ALL WELCOME

Pay at reception desk on the night or book online with the centre https://www.arthurconandoylecentre.com/whats_on/ 


9 JAN.         Uncharted Lands & Civilization (VIDEO)

Recent archaeological discoveries reveal highly advanced civilizations that existed long before recorded history, presenting a new and radical narrative of our origins. The Arata civilization, Vinka and Neva cultures, submerged ruins off Japan’s coast. These ancient societies possessed knowledge and technologies far beyond their time, raising questions about the true nature of our past and the possibility of extraterrestrial influences. Prepare to rethink history!


16 JAN.       ‘There is no beginning, there is no end’.   Harriet Devlin

An illustrated talk/demonstration of the allegorical journey from birth to death encapsulated within the Tai Chi Ch'uan - now the well known Chinese meditative and martial art. But in the 1950s this ancient moving meditation was scarcely known in the West and Harriet's mother, Pytt Geddes, was the first pioneer teacher in Europe.  Pytt had a remarkable background based on a Reichian analysis in the 1930s and later as a Resistance worker in her home country of Norway during the war. Her marriage took her to China  where she was astonished and overwhelmed by the Tai Chi and began to learn it. Her studies led to a deep understanding of Chinese philosophy, symbolism and art and a discovery of the universal allegorical journey within the form. 

Harriet Devlin is the daughter of Gerda 'Pytt Geddes' the first western teacher of Tai Chi in Europe. Harriet was born in Hong Kong shortly after her parents had fled from China and grew up watching her mother with elderly Chinese teachers 'playing' the Tai Chi in their garden. Harriet went on to study with a variety of masters and alongside an academic career has been teaching Tai Chi for 50 years.  A biography of Pytt Geddes will be for sale and Harriet will be starting Beginners classes at the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre on Tuesday evenings at 6.30 pm later in January


23 JAN.       The role of emotions in healing the body.    Jane Jamieson

Our emotions are played out in our body and affect the physical expression of our body. They are fundamental to what it means to be human and have a powerful impact on our health. How does this actually work? Some ideas and practical options for helping ourselves will be explored in this lecture. Come along with your thoughts, experiences and ideas so we can have some discussion at the end.

Jane Jamieson has been interested in how the body functions and how best to help it function optimally for many years. This journey of exploration has taken her through a degree in physiology, a PhD in biophysics and learning many healing modalities such as musculo-skeletal therapy, nutritional therapy, and energy and emotional healing. She is currently focusing more on the emotional healing and how this affects the physical body and how these aspects of ourselves interact.


30 JAN.       Is hypnotherapy a tool for humankind’s evolution?   Lily Anderson

Lily found her way to hypnotherapy through a very personal experience, which will be explored in the talk.  The developmental history of hypnotherapy will also be covered, and overall, the way it works, hopefully dismantling misunderstandings and misconceptions related to hypnosis.

Lily Anderson was born in Peru and has undertaken all her studies and training in the UK.

She has worked in Peru and the UK for over 30 years mainly in the mental health area, as a social worker, counsellor and a hypnotherapist. Lily has also taught yoga and meditation to both children and adults.


6 FEB            Human Constitution.     Natasha Rocha, Edinburgh TS

Come along with Natasha as she explores the eye-opening world of Theosophy through her diploma studies. She'll share the key lessons and wisdom she's gained from this deep dive, helping us all learn more about life's big questions. We'll follow the diploma's lesson plan together.  In this class "Human Constitution" Natasha will walk us through the main ideas of this important topic, showing how it matters in our everyday lives. After she shares what she's learned, we'll have a group talk where everyone can share their thoughts and ask questions.  All welcome, whether you are simply curious about Theosophy or a seasoned student!

Natasha Rocha was born into a Portuguese family in South Africa.  spent 13 years in Edinburgh, Scotland, another 10 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She has returned to the beautiful city of Edinburgh, which also happens to be the birthplace of her daughters.  Driven by a reawakening, Natasha transitioned from a corporate career to embrace her deep passion for assisting others through natural healing therapies such as akashic records, Craniosacral Therapy (CST), SomatoEmotional Release, and Reiki. Natasha is the visionary behind Raising the Vibes Academy of Consciousness, an online spiritual learning center designed to empower people in nurturing and honing their innate spiritual abilities.


13 FEB.       It's When You Get Into Spiritualism That Things Begin To Happen.I Althea Dando 

This is the title of Althea Dando's latest book, full of amazing and quite unbelievable miracles and spiritual experiences, which came about after hearing a voice telling Althea to “write down your experiences and they will be published”.  'It's When You Get Into Spiritualism That Things Begin To Happen'(New Generation Pub. 2024) is available through Amazon, Waterstones, Barnes and Noble and all good book shops.

Althea Dando was born in Yorkshire, raised in Bedfordshire, and spent a few years in Australia before moving to Edinburgh where she married and started a family. Twenty three years and two children later, she fulfilled a personal dream to have a business, and bought a pub. A clairvoyant evening in the pub would change Althea's life forever when her mother came through with a wonderful message.  Althea has been a spiritualist since 1999, after joining Portobello Spiritualist Church. There she joined the development circle hoping to become a medium, but the spirit world had other plans for her.  After doing a two year probationary healer course, she became a Scottish Association Of Spiritual Healers accredited healer.  In 2010 Althea felt that she should write a spiritual script. Building on her experience of scriptwriting with amateur dramatic groups, she took a screenwriting course at Edinburgh's Napier University. Her screenplay 'Dying To Live Again' took two years to complete. Althea's daughter, herself a spiritualist, will be making Althea's film, as she and her husband are starting up their own spiritual film production company.  Althea has now retired, but loves nothing better than to tell the many inspiring stories in her book.


20 FEB.       Fight The Winter Blues!    Dr. Gregorio Torchia

Winter can be a trial of colds, sort throats, allergies, lung issues and muscle and rheumatic pain. Learn how to boost your immune system and kill viruses and bacteria using foods and natural ingredients as medicine.

Dr Gregorio Torchia is the senior Clinical Nutrition Consultant and Scientific Director at Nutripanda, Edinburgh.  He is a world leading expert with decades of experience in personalised nutrition and his expertise has led to him being involved in different ground-breaking studies, attending conferences, lectures and workshops all over the globe.


27 FEB.       Principles of the Wisdom Teachings     Gary Kidgell, Dundee TS.

In this presentation, Gary outlines a series of interrelated principles that serve as metaphorical 'building blocks' that function as a key towards unlocking the timeless spiritual truths found within the wisdom teachings. This provides a solid foundation upon which the earnest student may base their spiritual endeavours. Gary shall outline that we reside within a living, dynamic and interconnected universe; the esoteric human constitution and our purpose within creation; the meaning of the esoteric axiom 'As above, so below; reincarnation and karma; and the challenges and rewards of the spiritual path. During the talk, attendees will be invited to form small discussion groups. 

Gary Kidgell is a member of the Dundee Lodge having joined the Theosophical Society in 1994. He is the current Organising Secretary of the Scottish Regional Association; an executive committee member of the European Federation of Theosophical Societies;  and the Librarian for the Theosophical Society in Scotland Charity. Gary has written two books: The Inner Journey: Pathways to the Higher and Greek Hero Myths: Pathways to Higher Consciousness. Gary is a professional astrologer specialising in esoteric astrology. He has lectured extensively throughout the U.K. and Europe.


6 MAR.        Christianity & Spirituality.    Lance Butler

What is it that constitutes the spiritual life? Is Christianity no longer fit for purpose? Why is it that the teaching of Jesus is still so highly regarded in our less religious age?  Join Professor Lance Butler for an evening of discussion, centring on the paradox that the spiritual is increasingly popular while church congregations are mostly shrinking.

Professor Lance Butler taught literature, literary theory, and stylistics at the Universities of Stirling in the UK, and Pau in France before retiring to Edinburgh recently. For over three years, Lance held the position of Chairman at the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre before handing over the role to Alan Balfour and transitioning to a trustee. He has held many talks at the Centre on a wide variety of subjects, such as Christianity and Spirituality and Poetry and Spirituality.


13 MAR.      The Science of Near Death Experiences.    Piero Calvi-Parisetti

Despite repeated attempts by sceptics at explaining it away, the phenomenon of Near Death Experiences remains a formidable medical mystery, appears to disprove the theory that sees mind as the sole product of the activity of the brain and is strongly suggestive of life after life. In this popular science talk, Dr. Calvi Parisetti goes past the well-known anecdotal evidence and accompanies the audience in a voyage of discovery of what research has taught us during the last 50 years about this most extraordinary experience.

A best-selling author and internationally acclaimed speaker, Piero Calvi Parisetti is first and foremost a researcher at the Department of Parapsychology at the University of Northampton (UK). A medical doctor originally specialized in public health, he taught for nearly two decades at various universities in Italy, Switzerland and the UK. He then devoted himself passionately to studying the evidence for what he calls "the incredible truth", namely the fact that, in ways we do not yet understand, the human mind and personality appear to survive the death of the body. A member of the Society for Psychical Research and the Scientific and Medical Network in the UK, and of the International Association for Near-Death Studies in the US, Dr. Calvi Parisetti is considered one of the world's leading experts in the area of clinical parapsychology. He lives with his wife in Troon, on the west coast of Scotland.


20 MAR.      Poetry & Spirituality Revisited.     Lance Butler

This lecture will give you an insight into the inherent connection between poetry and spirituality.  Poetry is the most spiritually-inclined of all the literary genres. It is the personal, open-minded product of the brain’s right hemisphere and involves uplift and imagination. We will explore a number of poems in English that focus on spiritual encounters and ideas. No preparation is necessary, and the poems will be provided at the start of the session. Discussion will be welcome.

Professor Lance Butler taught literature, literary theory, and stylistics at the Universities of Stirling in the UK, and Pau in France before retiring to Edinburgh recently. For over three years, Lance held the position of Chairman at the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre before handing over the role to Alan Balfour and transitioning to a trustee. He has held many talks at the Centre on a wide variety of subjects, such as Christianity and Spirituality and Poetry and Spirituality.


27 MAR.      Exploring Spirituality Through Music Therapy    Jennifer Lin

Via ZOOM this presentation delves into the spiritual dimensions of music, emphasizing its connection to music therapy theory and practice. It explores approaches such as the Transpersonal Approach to Music Therapy and the use of Music and Imagery. Key questions addressed include:  Does participating in an ensemble or singing in a choir enhance spiritual well-being?  How do individuals engage with the spiritual aspects of music-making or listening experiences? Can music therapy support and nurture spiritual health and expression?

Jennifer Lin is a certified music therapist in both the U.S. and Canada. She holds two master’s degrees: Master of Music in Flute Performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music;  Master of Arts in Music Therapy from New York University.Previously a tenured professor of music therapy in Manitoba, Canada, Jennifer is now based in British Columbia, where she organizes and leads retreats and serves as a guest facilitator at others.  Passionate about sharing the transformative power of music, she is committed to creating meaningful musical experiences for individuals of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.


3 APR.         The Dream of the Planet.    Morgan Lloyd, Edinburgh TS.

A discussion about the evolution of communication using Don Miguel Ruiz’ work on ancient Toltec Wisdom regarding mindful communication -  The Four Agreements: 

Be impeccable with your word;  Don’t take anything personally;  Don’t make assumptions;

Always do your best.  Exploring the potential of orientating towards more enlightened forms of communication. 

Morgan travelled from an early age experiencing a diverse range of cultures.  His main interests are the nature of existence and visiting spiritual centres globally.  He has experience in the teaching of Yoga, Chi Kung and Holistic Personal Training.


10 APR.   Relational Alchemy in the Therapy Room   Pauline Morgan, PhD

Dr Pauline Morgan offers some insights into connections between mindfulness, psychotherapy and spirituality. 

Pauline is a certified psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher. She divides her time between working with clients in private practice and running Inside Story Mindfulness, an organisation that brings mindfulness to the workplace to support better mental health among people at work.





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